Brazil - Day Camps
June 28-July 8, 2024
Gospel Presentations: 460
Believers Mobilized: 46
Scriptures Shared: 1,500
Pedro went to the English camp in Lapa, Paraná alone. He looked around and didn’t see a place he could fit in. Everyone else was playing sports and socializing easily. But Pedro didn’t have a lot of those skills, so instead of spending time with the other teenagers he offered to help the ShareWord Global team set up and take down during the events. He was happy to be there and around the activity, but he still felt out of place.
One of the trip leaders, Ygor, noticed Pedro’s loneliness. He began speaking with him as Pedro helped. Ygor asked if he could pray for him, that he would experience the love and friendship that Jesus has to offer. Pedro readily accepted it. He was already a little in awe of Ygor, who was an ex-professional soccer player. But the fact that he would take the time to pray for him meant so much to Pedro.
Through the English camp, Pedro learned more about how Jesus loves us, is our friend, and that he never needs to feel alone if he places his faith in Christ. Throughout the rest of the time at the camp, the GO team saw Pedro come out of his shell. He was more secure and confident, and interacted more with the other teens. He now knew he had a place to belong.
That’s the goal of the Day and English camps in Brazil: for children and teens to understand that in Christ, they belong. They no longer need to be lonely, feel disconnected from those around them, and they’re safe in the arms of their Saviour. And thanks to those participating on the GO Trip, they see brothers and sisters actively living out a life of ministry so others can experience the love of Christ.