Watch your congregation become confident, active ambassadors of Jesus, who regularly bring new people through your church doors.
TRAIN them with simple skills to help neutralize their fears and empower them with new confidence to talk about Jesus.
EQUIP them with innovative Scriptures that help them share God’s message of hope.
GO —send them on unique evangelism opportunities to share the gospel here at home and all over the world!
It’s a simple model designed to help your church grow in evangelism and multiply the Kingdom of God.
It starts here. Sometimes it’s over coffee, sometimes it’s online, and at other times it’s a ministerial breakfast. Pastors and church leaders explore how a church partnership with ShareWord Global can help mobilize their congregations.
You’ll see samples of our Scripture resources, learn about GO Trips, and have a chance to ask questions. It’s a free event to explore partnering together.
Next is an Ignite event at your church. It features a dynamic, interactive, evangelism workshop with one goal: to impart powerful, simple skills to help people share the gospel. The goal is to have a “go” opportunity happen the same day.
Watch this video to see how an Ignite event can impact your congregation.
They can be short and sweet with a 90-minute to 3-hour Grid workshop included. Or you can choose the multi-week series of workshops (3 to 6 weeks).
Your first Ignite event is FREE! You can choose to chip in to cover the costs, or ask your attendees to do so, but there’s no obligation to do so.
A worksheet for the workshop that’s led by a trained facilitator, plus a Scripture resource for them to share.
They’ll be asked to “go” (either that same day or at another planned time) to practice what they learned.
Attendees will also have a chance to learn who ShareWord Global is and how they can get involved in the cause.
Yes! Attendees leave the event emboldened, equipped, and energized. Churches in many countries, including right here in North America, have seen immediate results that we would love to share more about with you.
New skills, new resources, new confidence—leading to new conversations about Jesus! Grid workshops are the central feature of Ignite events.
Participants gain confidence, shed their fears, and come out of the session with a new perspective on evangelism.
We teach a relational model that engages believers in outreach conversations with people on their grid.
Attendees learn simple, authentic evangelism skills to help them connect with people and share the gospel.
Then they’ll GO—just like Christ’s disciples—to put into practice what they learned!
Sign up to host an Ignite event
An Ignite event is just the beginning. Maintaining that momentum requires fuel.
When you sign up as a Global Church Partner, your church can be equipped for gospel outreach! To have conversations about Jesus with people they see on their daily “grid” and whoever else God places in their path.
As you see your church grow in evangelism, you’ll also have unique opportunities to participate in ministry projects that help mobilize other churches around the world.
What are the benefits to church partners?
As a Global Church Partner, you’ll have access to resources such as printed Scripture magazines, Gospels of John, and digital Scripture resources, which are designed to support your church’s evangelism efforts.
The costs of the resources available to you have been subsidized, thanks to the generosity of our faithful donors. During the sign-up process, you’ll be given the opportunity to make a financial contribution. Please know that this is entirely optional and not required for your church to join the Global Church Partnership program.
Your voluntary donation, should you choose to give, helps cover the remainder of the resource costs and fuels the mobilization of believers across the globe. Here are three ways we suggest you can partner with us financially to help churches around the world become equipped to go:
Starting at $100/month, your church will help fuel the global movement of mobilizing believers.
This is a designated Sunday once a year to spotlight your partnership with ShareWord Global, share impact stories (locally and globally), and invite your congregation to make a love offering. We’ll assign a staff member or local volunteer to answer questions at your church.
Our local Regional Manager would love to speak to you about other ways you can fuel the cause, like GO Trips, sister church evangelism, and funding special projects.
As you see your church grow in evangelism, you’ll also have unique opportunities to participate in ministry projects that help mobilize other churches around the world.
One of the best ways to hone the skills learned during an Ignite workshop is to participate on a GO Trip. This is available for partner churches.
It’s stepping outside your everyday “zone” to join a group of other believers on a short-term missions trip—another country or even another state or province. Either way, you’re coming alongside local churches to fuel their passion for evangelism (and fueling your own at the same time.) Your focus will be on one thing: sharing the gospel plus God’s Word with people who aren’t in a relationship with Jesus.
Usually 10-12 days.
Generally between 12-16 people.
Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and North America.
Each destination requires a different amount to be raised by team members. Visit our website for the most current costs of GO Trips.
If you’d like to fill an entire team with people from your church, we’d love that. But church GO Teams can also be filled from multiple fellowships and even from other countries!
Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253
Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET