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Canada 2024

Toronto GO Trip

August 1 - 18, 2024


Giovanna and Evan walked around downtown Waterloo, Ontario, praying. They asked God to lead them to someone who would be open to hearing His Word. They noticed a woman sitting on a bench by herself.

Her name was Kiera. As they began speaking with her, the conversation quickly turned spiritual. Kiera shared that she had a Jehovah’s Witness background because her mom was one. And she said something that sounded so heartbreaking. She didn’t believe God could save her because she was a sinner who smoked. She felt so guilty about it, and she couldn’t grasp the idea of God’s grace.

The two read through the Hope magazine with Kiera and shared Scripture verses with her. They explained that salvation isn’t based on the good things we do but on faith in Jesus and shared the full message of the gospel: that Jesus came into the world, died, and was resurrected to save us from our sins. By believing this, we receive salvation.

Kiera prayed with them then, confessing her sin, acknowledging her need for Jesus, and accepting His sacrifice for her. She expressed confidence that, if she were to die that day, she would go to heaven. It was a beautiful moment during an incredible trip to Canada for the team of Brazilians.

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CRA Charitable Registration # 108082991 RR0001

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities