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Nicaragua 2024

Nicaragua GO Trip

June 28 - July 8, 2024


Believers Mobilized: 36
Gospel Presentations: 2,336
Scriptures Shared: 2,336

Elia had a wonderful day. An unforgettable, wonderful day, where a group of students from Woodland Christian High School told her about Jesus. “I learned a lot from the Word of Jesus,” she shared. “Today, I accepted Jesus into my life.”

The Ontario high school had previously put together teams to go to Day Camps in Brazil, but for the first time, they participated in a Day Camp GO Trip to Nicaragua. They were all grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel with the children, through games, songs, and other activities each day at the camp.

What was different about this trip for the students was they had the chance to go into the city and share the gospel on the streets and in schools. It got them out of their comfort zone from their previous trip to Brazil, and God was able to open doors for incredible conversations.

After sharing the gospel in one of the schools, a group of the students went to a nearby park. It was here they met a woman with her young child. They began speaking and shared the Spark magazine with the child. They soon noticed a guard walking near them slowly, and it was clear he was listening to the conversation. It made them a little nervous, but they tried to not think too much of it. They knew they weren’t causing trouble and hoped that would be enough. As the guard listened, the boy accepted Jesus and encouraged his mom to read more of the magazine.

Cautiously, a member of the team approached the guard and asked if he wanted to speak about what he heard. Amazingly, the guard also gave his life to Christ! God worked through the students in unexpected ways, but it was a very meaningful first time to Nicaragua.

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