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Little Ears Hear a Big Message
Kids - Little Ears Hear a Big Message

GO Trip leader, Les, towered above a boisterous crowd of Peruvian elementary school children lined up for their morning classes. His obvious foreignness intrigued the children. As he quietly watched them interact, Les’ heart beat with excitement as he recalled the days he used to dart playfully around the school grounds with his classmates.LittleEarsHearABigMessage(NW)

Two young boys, who were particularly eager to speak with the Canadian visitors, approached excitedly. After a few ice-breaker jokes, Les began telling the children a story—the narrative of Salvation.  It became clear that the boys were suddenly in a rush to get into the school building and their interest level in the spiritual conversation seemed minimal. In response to their antsiness, Les gently asked the children to wait patiently for a few more minutes, to hear the ending to God’s amazing story! To Les’ surprise, the boys began to listen more intently. By the end, the two requested to receive Jesus as their Saviour! Later that day, those same smiling faces returned...this time with five more friends! The boys happily expressed that they wanted their classmates to hear the Good News of Jesus too!


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