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Wresting no more
Wrestling no more

For as long as Joshua could remember, wrestling had been a big part of his life. 

It was always something he excelled at, and it had opened a lot of doors for him at school. And as an amateur wrestler it had made up his identity for his young adult life. 

But lately he had been wrestling a different opponent. 

As he took stock of his life, Joshua realized that the path he was on would lead him to a path of destruction. He struggled, wrestling internally trying to discover what he should do with his life, and how he could live with purpose. 

Until one day, while he was playing with his friends on a soccer field, a church group approached to speak with him and his friends about Jesus.

None of his friends listened, but as this group began to share the gospel, their words cut Joshua to his heart. Their message of hope and salvation were exactly the words he needed to hear in that moment. 

The group gave Joshua a copy of Scripture and asked him if he would like to pray. From that day on Joshua became a regular member of their church. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and although his faith journey has just started, he is already walking a path of hope lit by the Good News of Jesus!


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