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GMS - Fan spiritual flames into a raging fire in Africa

Fan spiritual flames into a raging fire in Africa


“My church had stagnated in growth…but then I was invited for the Grid [evangelism] training and [it] opened my eyes…they did not only provide the training, but resources that I didn’t have. In less than three months, the number of children [attending the church] grew from 40 to 80 children. My current average church attendance is 130.” 
—Pastor Peter 

All over Africa, pastors and faithful believers wish they could tell a story like Pastor Peter’s. They want to see their churches fill like the other ones that are overflowing. They want their communities to know about Jesus. But one thing they lack is the support to do it.

They need you.

It begins with Biblical truths pouring into their flocks. It begins by equipping them with Scripture magazines and teaching them to effectively evangelize. It begins when new believers receive their very own copy of God’s Word.

It begins with YOU.

There are people who are waiting—waiting for hope in their lives, hope they will find when they dig into God's Word for the first time.

The need is great.

Right now, you can help the hundreds of thousands of people who are asking for the power of God’s Word. They’re earnestly waiting with other new believers desperate to devour the God-breathed words of the Bible for themselves. And they are the only ones who can share it with the millions of Africans who don’t even know what they’re missing.

As your support sends training and Scripture resources to all of these people, their lives will be transformed. They will tell their neighbours and families about the hope of Jesus. They will come together as one body, showing love and compassion to believers and unbelievers alike.

But none of it will happen without your support today.





Call us at: 519.823.1140
Or toll-free at: 1.888.482.4253
Mail your cheque to: PO Box 3619, Guelph, ON, N1H 7A2

Spending of funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards a Board approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most. Read our Ethical Fundraising Policy here.

Contact Us

Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


Full Contact Information



CRA Charitable Registration # 108082991 RR0001

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities