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GMS - Support the Persecuted Church

Support the Persecuted Church
WARNING: Graphic description of religious persecution below


Adaya* is passionate about sharing the gospel now, but that wasn’t always the case. Like many in her South Asian country, she grew up a devout Muslim.

When her husband went to work out-of-country, Adaya became depressed. She sat at home with her daughter, crying, not knowing when her husband would return, or if he was safe where he was. She sought comfort from her faith and friends, but was left feeling empty.

It wasn’t until someone took a chance, and courageously shared the Good News of Jesus with her, that she began to feel the fullness of life again.

As she listened to other people share the Word of God, she gradually came to accept Christ, and gave her life to Him.

When her husband finally returned, she was excited to share this news with him. Instead of sharing in her joy though, he was furious that she had become a secret believer. That anger built, but over time, as he saw the peace and joy that filled her life, that anger subsided. Eventually he was inspired by his wife to start reading God’s Word on his own. As he did the words began to cut him to his heart. He saw the need for Jesus in his life and gave his life to Christ.

Together, Adaya and her husband were emboldened to share their faith. But with that boldness came whispers of violent persecution.

As word spread that this couple was converting their Muslim neighbours to Christianity, those whispers became louder. These threats continued to grow more intense, until one day her husband left the house to share his faith—and never returned. Adaya filed a missing person’s report with the police, and three days later she received the earth-shattering news that her husband had been murdered. His body had been left beside a pond with his tongue cut out.

“It was as if they were trying to send a message,” Adaya said.

Now, every day when she leaves her house, she wonders if this will be her last day on earth.

But despite all this persecution, Adaya remains steadfast in her mission to share the Good News of Jesus that transformed her life with the other broken people around her.

“I will share the gospel a lot more, and I am stronger than I was before,” she said. “Nothing can stop me from sharing the Word of God because the words from Kitabul Mukaddas (the Bible) showed me to live in faith and hope.”

Right now, Adaya is currently pastoring 20 small house churches, each with five or six members. They meet in secret out of fear of persecution, but they have a dream: to see the same peace and joy they’ve received in Christ be shared with their friends, family, and neighbours.

To do that, they need your help.

Your gift today will play a crucial role in the future of the Persecuted Church—providing people like Adaya and her team with the training they need to share their faith, as well as Hope and Spark magazines and Bibles they can use to transform lives by introducing people to Jesus.

Will you stand with our courageous brothers and sisters like Adaya who are risking their lives daily to share the gospel?

*Name changed for security reasons

Your gift today of:

  • $72.00 will allow 12 Muslims to hear the Word of God through Spark and Hope.
  • $108.00 will train believers in the Persecuted Church to share the message of Christ with 18 of their neighbours.
  • $318.00 has the power to transform 53 lives by sharing full Bibles and introducing people to the peace that only comes from a relationship with Jesus.







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Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

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9:00am-4:30pm ET


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Canadian Centre for Christian Charities