Faith Like a Child
Faith Like a Child

Abigail is a spunky eight-year-old whose eyes sparkle with passion for Jesus.

So in love with Christ and His Word, she reached out to SWG to share why she loves her Bible so much, and thank those who supply Scriptures for kids who don’t know Jesus.

Excitedly, Abi explained how she strives to evangelize to her playmates. “One time, my friend Ruby caught me praying at her house. I told her that’s what I do. Then, she started knowing about Jesus! She didn’t even know Him before that.

Her father Michael added, “My wife and I had nothing to do with it—[the phone call] was all her idea! She wanted to tell you about the Bible she got.

Michael later expressed that Abi was devastated when their family made the tough decision to move five hours away. She worries there will be no one to follow-up with her friends from school to talk about Christ. Abigail would deeply appreciate your prayers for Ruby and her former classmates.

Abi now owns many Bibles, but her first and favourite was received at Fishing Lake Bible Camp in Saskatchewan a few summers ago. She giddily shared the memory of a cabin leader placing the Scripture in her hands for the first time. It brought so much joy to her young heart, and she’s been on fire with an eagerness to share God’s Word with her friends ever since.        

When Jesus talked about ‘faith like a child,’ it’s easy to imagine this is what He meant. Abigail is not jaded by embarrassment, social status, or fear of rejection as she talks about her faith—she simply wants everyone to experience His everlasting love. “I love Him because He is our Saviour. He means a lot to me.”

Abigail’s favourite Bible verse, John 3:16, flows easily from her memory. She wholeheartedly recognizes Jesus died for her, and she’s telling others so they might also live with God, forever.

It’s that simple—yet the world needs more beautiful young evangelists like Abigail to help us figure it out.

 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16


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