How Rod Met God
How Rod Met God

My life has been a wild ride. It’s a long story—61 years to be exact! But it all began with my loving mother.

Everything my mom taught me as a child makes sense now.

I received my first Bible back in elementary school, but I was too focused on other things to read it. Even from six years old, I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and operate heavy equipment. I became a truck driver, and to this day, that has been my life—operating trucks with heavy equipment.

Despite my mother often telling me about God, I didn’t know Him before I entered a very dark place. I’m ashamed to admit I spent time in maximum security during my thirties. Being isolated in a tiny cell was very lonely, so I began to read the New Testament that was left beside my cot. It didn’t take long before I realized the words I was reading were the same words my mom said to me as a kid!

One night, I opened the Bible to a certain passage. To be honest, I can’t even remember which verses I read. All I know is I suddenly wasn’t worried or afraid anymore. For the first night in a while, I slept soundly.

Years later when I was finally released, I humbly asked the correctional officers if they wouldn’t mind giving me my own personal New Testament, so I could continue to learn about Jesus. Thankfully, they agreed. Boy, did I ever wear that little book out!

A few years ago, I picked up a small Redemption Bible at my local laundromat. I’ve been faithfully reading that one, and the Lord has continued to speak into my broken life. Then, again, on March 29 of this year, I found a large print Bible sitting at a laundromat close to where I live now! This one is a lot easier to read—you know, for us old guys! 

I do a lot of devotional reading. I can’t put this large print version down! I absolutely love it. How do I phrase this? When I read the Bible, I feel happy inside. That’s the best way to say it. It just makes me feel good.

When I’m on the job site, I carry my Bible with me. In my line of work, there are a lot of people who use drugs. I’m not using, but most of the others are. I meet people and it’s obvious they are struggling. So I tell them, “I used to be like you, but this is how God helped me clean up my act when I was thirty.” I show my co-workers passages and share that Christ has given me an unexplainable peace in my heart. I’m not forcing my co-workers to read the Bible; I simply plant a seed for the Spirit to sow.

I remind myself that my mother tried to teach me about the Word when I was a kid, and I didn’t listen. Then finally, by the grace of God, it began to make sense. All I can do is try to pass on what I have learned about Christ, the same way my mother passed it to me.

There have been countless times when God revealed Himself at the most appropriate time. I just scratch my head and say, “Thank you God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost! ” I don’t care what anyone says; I may seem like a nut, but I’m a believer! And I can’t talk enough about it.

Rod (Paraphrased)

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