Rest in Hope
Rest in Hope

It had only been a few days since Pastor Jairo had arranged for a team to bring Scripture magazines into the local hospital and pray with the patients. 

As he made his way down the hallway where the group had ministered earlier that week, Jairo stopped suddenly. A nurse was wheeling a gurney into the room ahead. 

He peered inside, where the medical staff was preparing to remove a corpse from the urgent care room. Jairo felt his chest tighten and he began to sweat. He watched solemnly as they moved the body onto the gurney. 

As they did, something colourful slipped out from under a pillow. Jairo gasped. It was an Esperanza magazine! The nurse, noticing Jairo in the doorway, looked at the magazine and said, “He had been reading that right before he passed.” 

Jairo picked up the Scripture and walked away with peace, assured that he would meet this man in heaven one day.

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