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Chispa in Chile
Light - Pastor Anup

"We have worked with ShareWord Global here in Chile for more than five years now. We've been able to get to know them and do activities in schools, parks and low-income communities–reaching people with the gospel. They've shown us a different style in which to effectively share God's Word. It's been gratifying to share a passion for evangelism with our sisters and brothers at ShareWord Global. The Scripture resources have been such a great blessing. It's had a great impact on people—on their hearts.

The Chispa (Spark) magazine, in particular, has had a big impact on the lives of children and young people. Every time you give a child a magazine, you can see the joy in their faces. As they open it, as they read it, as they see its content—the child starts to experience something very special that words can't describe.

In every school the Chispa magazine has reached, it's been a great blessing. When you give out the Chispa magazine in a school, you reach the whole community. Oftentimes, the children show it to their parents, siblings and to the rest of their families. Therefore, it has an impact on the child’s whole environment. Giving the magazine out in schools has even changed the lives of the principles and teachers. The Chispa has been of great help to us, and it will continue to be in every nation it reaches." 

Pastor Jaime (paraphrased) 

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