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A team was wrapping up an evangelism trip, sharing Scriptures in a thunderstorm—but nothing could dampen the Kenyans’ joy and excitement for the gifts they were receiving!

However, driving away from that village, our team found their way blocked by a crowd on the road. They said, “We know you were just at a neighbouring village and gave them Bibles. So now we want to know—where are OUR Bibles? We’ve been waiting just as long as they have!”

We had to tell them we'd given away all the copies we had. They weren’t happy to hear that, but asked, “Okay, if you don’t have any left…if you can…will you come back?”

They were so desperate for the joy they had witnessed from the neighbouring village. We promised that group of Kenyans we’d be back—because we knew you’d want to respond to their cry for help.

The people in Kenya are waiting for the Good News found in the Bible, though many don’t know where to find it! You can help those waiting for hope by equipping local churches with God’s Word. With Scriptures, pastors can be trained, believers can be taught, and the lost can be reached—and their waiting will end!

Each gift of God’s Word you donate impacts multiple lives. Praise God, they’ll be so grateful you helped end their waiting.





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Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


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CRA Charitable Registration # 108082991 RR0001

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities
