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GMJ - You can bring hope to the Amazon

The songs of birds fill the rainforest, a thick canopy of green overhead. The gentle hum of the boat’s engine is the only reminder that you’re not in prehistoric times. Nearly 12 hours of travelling by plane, bus, and now by boat has brought you to this moment of complete isolation.

As the boat continues down the Amazon River in Brazil, you see it–the first glimpse of human life since boarding the boat. Small wooden houses stand on tall stilts to protect them from the inevitable flooding. And peeking out from the doorways are people who call these villages home, the Ribeirinhos people. And there are roughly 300,000 of them in communities all along the Amazon River.

For only $6 you can share the story of Jesus with a person in one of these communities for the very first time.

For centuries they’ve lived off what the river and rainforest provided for them. They’ve lived at the mercy of what nature gave, and what it took away. They’ve had nothing and no one else to rely on. But there’s one thing that only you can bring them. Something no one can ever take away.

Something all believers have been commissioned to share with people like Antonio and his family.

Nearly 70 years old, Antonio had severe vision loss. When the GO Trip participants entered his stilt home, he looked around, trying to discern where the voices were coming from. Marlon greeted him, and shared that he had come all the way from São Paulo to tell him about the Good News. With his community being so closed off to outsiders, it was something no one had ever brought to them before.

Antonio was told for the first time how special he was to God. It was hard for him to believe. As he told Marlon about his life and the struggles of losing his vision little by little, every moment of pain and every moment of joy seemed to flash across his face.

The tremor in Antonio’s voice and his heavy speech showed Marlon just how much he needed the hope of the gospel. He listened attentively to the truths in Scripture found in the Hope magazine but told Marlon he was still disappointed. He relied on his vision and could barely perceive anything around him.

And while Marlon didn't have the power to give him back his sight, through the Hope magazine he shared something more powerful and valuable than anything else. That not even perfect vision, or a bountiful harvest, or even a canoe full of fish, could bring Antonio full satisfaction and joy.

Only Jesus could fill the emptiness and bring comfort to the lonely.

With an open heart, Antonio accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour, his eyes filled with tears with the knowledge that there was nothing more precious than the presence of Christ.

You can bring the gospel to thousands of people like Antonio.

The Amazon River communities desperately need the hope and love that come only from God. The gospel changes everything, inside and out. Communities who have accepted the gospel see less addiction, less alcohol abuse, and better treatment of the rainforest around them. And even greater is the brand-new life as a child of God that begins each time someone gives their life to Christ.

The Holy Spirit has softened the hearts of Ribeirinhos people, opening themselves up to receive the gospel. But the mission to bring the Good News to as many communities as possible can’t happen without you.

Will you bring transformation to the Brazilian Amazon?

Will you introduce people in this region to Jesus for the very first time?

Your gift today of:

  • $60 will provide 10 Hope magazines to those in isolated communities.
  • $90 provides a pastor with a Study Bible and 10 Bibles for new believers.
  • $150 introduces 25 people to the hope-giving gospel for the first time in this region.

*name changed





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