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GMR - Good News

In South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East your giving is inspiring believers, and unleashing them to share the Good News


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All around the world, your giving is making a difference—giving believers the encouragement, training, and Scripture resources they need to change the world by sharing the gospel with their communities.  

  • In South Asia, where believers are met with threats of violence for sharing their faith, your giving is empowering the Church to share God’s Word.
  • Grid training is providing people in Africa the skills and knowledge they need to share the gospel message with their neighbours.
  • And in the Middle East, your giving provides the hope that only comes from the gospel of Jesus to people whose situation has been made hopeless by war, and constant violence.  

But the work is far from over. The Church in South Asia still needs your support if they’re going to continue to reach their neighbours with the truly life-changing message of Jesus.


Right now, school administrators in parts of South Asia are asking in-country coordinators to come to their schools to share the gospel. Even knowing that it can put the teachers at risk, they know that the children, the next generation, desperately needs to know God.


Already this initiative has made such a difference, but there are still so many kids waiting to hear the Good News.


Your special one-time gift today will help believers in South Asia share it with them. For just $6 you can send someone to share the gospel with a child and leave them with their very own copy of Scripture.

How many lives will your gift impact? 







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Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


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CRA Charitable Registration # 108082991 RR0001

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities