This Winter Spark hope
Do you remember the story of the angel who appeared suddenly to a group of shepherds out in the fields? And do you recall the message he brought with him —the good news he came to share?
Great joy. To all people.
For thousands of children living in the very region where the angel shared God’s good news, joy is the last thing they’re feeling. Communities are feeling exhausted and hopeless. And kids are terrified.
But this Christmas, you can change that! For $6 you can share a Spark magazine with a child in the Middle East and let them know about the Good News that will bring them great joy!
These kids are hungry for something different. And that’s exactly what they’ll discover when they join a Spark Group and start reading the simple but captivating Spark magazine—and meet Jesus for the first time.
Like Azana,* a 12-year-old girl in the Middle East who joined a local Spark Group. The meeting was vibrant, exciting, and full of joy! The 12 truths from the Spark magazine were set to music, making them easy to remember. And when she went home, she eagerly shared what she learned. Before long, her entire family started coming to church regularly.
But there’s a serious problem: there aren’t any more magazines.
There isn’t a single copy of these life-changing Scripture magazines in the entire Middle East left to share. And that’s creating a massive gap. You can be part of filling this gap!
Together we can let children know that they’re not alone. That they are loved unconditionally by God, and that no matter the mistakes they’ve made, there’s a gift of forgiveness waiting for them.
What’s even more exciting is that each Spark magazine doesn’t just impact one person—it creates a ripple effect, reaching far beyond the first reader.
Like Hashir.* He first encountered Jesus through a Spark magazine. He flipped through the pages of the magazine while the children in the Spark Group sang songs about God’s love. And he was amazed by what he read.
This message of love and redemption was so powerful for Hashir that he gave his life to Christ that very day. He wanted the security that came with a life devoted to Jesus. But he needed to know more.
So, he sought out a Spark Group for young adults so he could learn even more about this wonderful Saviour. And it was here that he discovered a new calling. He was trained on how to use the Spark magazine so he could lead his own Spark Group. Now, praise God, Hashir is the one sharing the love of Jesus with kids like Azana—and dozens of others—who are hungry for hope and joy in their lives.
Your help is desperately needed—so more kids can learn about Jesus! More magazines and leadership resources urgently need to be printed today.
Your gift of:
- $60 shares the gospel and a Spark magazine with 10 kids
- $165 equips a Spark Group leader with everything they need to teach a group of 25 kids
- $330 breathes life into two Spark Groups so leaders like Hashir have all the resources they need to share the gospel with kids in the Middle East
These Spark Groups revolve entirely around the gospel message of Jesus Christ found in God’s Word. Children and their families are living in darkness, fear, and hopelessness. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share the love of Jesus with kids who live in the very region where Jesus was born!
Along with your gifts, you can also send a special encouragement card to kids in the Middle East! Simply indicate in the donation form that you would like a card sent on your behalf, and we’ll ensure our partners will place them in the hands of kids in Spark Groups who are hungry for hope.
*names changed for security reasons