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GMO - Transform the Church in Africa today

Think about your pastors’ offices, what they look like. Or rather, what their bookshelves look like.


 How many Bibles do they have there? How many resources do they have access to on a daily basis?

It’s probably a lot. At least a few different translations and various commentaries—resources they draw on every week to teach and challenge their congregations.

And yet, so many church leaders in Africa create sermons based on tattered copies they borrow from other believers before passing the pages onto the next person.

For only $60 you can help change the entire church today.

It’s a story heard across Africa, not just in Pastor Elijah’s church.

Pastor Elijah’s passion had always been to preach and teach the Word of God. It was God’s calling on his life. And he wanted to do it in the right way. But for a long time, he couldn’t. Because of the high cost of Bibles in Africa, Pastor Elijah relied on the small portions of Scripture he had infrequent access to. It meant his congregation heard the same few sermons over and over again. 

And with no access to training or resources, his desire to lead his church to a greater understanding of Christ’s calling on their lives kept falling short. He wanted them to be mature in their faith and excited to go out into the community and share the Good News of the gospel. But it wasn’t happening. He needed help! Your help!

Coming from a lower income family, Pastor Elijah had no access to formal training. He received only a four-hour training session to lead a local church. But God had called him to lead. 

Then, generous donors like you supplied a Grow Your Church Kit to Pastor Elijah. It included:

  • An Africa Study Bible for the pastor
  • Five full Bibles
  • 50 Scripture magazines to help empower the congregation
  • Four audio Bibles for those with visual impairments or low literacy

This gift from you changed everything for this church! It started with the extra training for the pastor and then cascaded down to the rest of the congregation. The Biblical knowledge provided in the kit began to grow his church—and it grew fast.

But today the walls of the church can’t contain them. Church members want to go out into their communities and share their faith. With Bibles of their own and solid teachings on Sundays, believers across Africa now understand Jesus’ call to share His Good News. 

Friends, this can’t continue without you.

In only the last three months, 1,100 churches have partnered with ShareWord Global, which will take nearly half a million dollars to fill that need. And every single one of them are desperate for Scripture resources to empower their members with a deeper understanding of God and His call for His children. They’re on fire to share the gospel in their communities. 

They need your help, so the fire continues spreading throughout the region.

They need your help to keep up.

Your gifts are long-term investments in the Church of Africa. These resources will be used over and over, with incredible transformation happening at all levels—from the pastor down to the children’s ministry.

By giving:

  • $60 you will equip one pastor with an Africa Study Bible to solidify their knowledge of Scripture as well as five church members having their very first complete Bible.
  • $150 you provide 50 Scripture magazines to believers who want to evangelize in their community.
  • $200 you provide 4 Audio Bibles for those with low literacy or a visual impairment.
  • $410 a church will have everything they need to support the pastor and the church growth that will come from empowering local believers.

You can bring the gospel to pastors in Africa, one of whom shared with us that he recently prayed on the top of a mountain, “God, your church needs your Word. Show me a way to bring Scripture to them.” And in the next moment, his phone rang. A partner with ShareWord Global was calling to set up a meeting.

God has called you to share the gospel. He has called you today to support your brothers and sisters in the faith with this desperate and immediate need.


Give now



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Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


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Canadian Centre for Christian Charities