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On the Boda Boda

Two of our volunteers, Baker and Richard, who serve in the Northeastern region of Uganda, were invited to participate in an Ignite event happening in Kitale, Kenya. Under the leadership of our Kenyan Country Manager, Patrick, this event was meant to kick-start the ministry in Kitale for future evangelism led by local pastors. 

Our intention in sending these two Ugandan volunteers to the event, was to foster their understanding of the Grow Your Church program, so they would be able to introduce it to their respective communities in Uganda as well. But little did we know, God had an even bigger plan for this trip. 

"On our way to Chwele Town, the Spirit of God convicted me to share the saving Good News of Jesus with the Boda Boda [motorcycle taxi] man who was transporting us," Baker said. "Upon arriving, we first parked, and then I led this brother in prayer while Richard stood beside.” 

"Andrew who was the epitome of our journey,” Richard added. “We prayed with him and encouraged him to read his new Bible. I thank God because that was the real mission—God connecting us to a person who needed salvation....sharing the love of Christ with him.” 

If the trip was only for this reason, it was worth it! 

Please pray for Mr. Andrew and his growing relationship with Christ. Baker and Richard connected him with a local church pastor, so pray he finds peace there. Please also pray for our Ugandan partners as they continue to serve their communities make the gospel known. 

May we too, always be ready for God to interrupt our plans and direct our path so even more people experience His love!

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