Renewed in the River
Renewed in the River

A chapter meeting should be a safe space. It’s a time to share what God is doing, to pray and plan for the future, to celebrate, and to strengthen one another. That’s why we do all we can to create a welcoming atmosphere for people participating for the first time—you never know who might need it.

Ten guests joined members of the Calgary chapter’s socially-distanced meeting to hear the stories of people who had been introduced to Jesus, and how the gospel changed everything for them.

One attendee was right in the midst of that change. Her journey to faith had been an intense one, but she had followed God’s leading. “He even led me here today! ” she said.

She expressed how touched she was by the time of fellowship. She had only recently become a Christian, having left the cult into which she was originally baptized.

Is it okay to be rebaptized as a Christian? ” the woman asked. Andrew, who had been leading the meeting, replied, “Absolutely!

As the two walked together, Andrew asked diagnostic questions to seek a better understanding of where the woman was at with her faith in Christ. “Who is Jesus to you? ” He questioned gently.

Well, I‘ve never learned Jesus is God, but I know He’s the son of God,” she admitted. Concerned, Andrew began to share the gospel. He explained the significance of repentance, faith in Christ alone, and His divinity. As she listened intently, it suddenly clicked. “I believe He is God and I want to follow Him for the rest of my life! ” the woman exclaimed.

About an hour later, a group proceeded down to a river in a breathtaking valley. The water was cold, and no one had planned for it—no one but God. Another member of the family of Christ emerged from the cold water, ready to share the gospel!

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