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A Family Turns to Jesus

The gospel changes everything and it’s changing lives all over the world.

Recently, in Cuba, our team was training believers at a local church to effectively share the gospel.

That’s when they met Maria.

Her family had been going through a hard time. Her six-year-old nephew had been diagnosed with autism, and it had taken its toll on her family. Adding to her personal stress, Maria had been telling her family the Good News about Jesus for quite some time, but they wouldn’t respond.

The group was planning on taking their training and putting it into practice by sharing the gospel in the streets. But rain prevented them from going out. That’s when Maria had a thought.

“I want you to come with me, to share Christ with my family,” she said to some of the trainers at the event. “I’ve been telling them about Jesus, but they’re not responding. If just two of you will come with me, I know they will!”

When she got to her house her mother, sister, brother-in-law, and 12-year-old nephew were there. The team sat down and began to tell them the Good News of Jesus.

“They all prayed to receive the Lord, and all of them are coming to church on Sunday,” she said. “I’m so excited because today something very special happened. I got to experience people who have rejected the gospel for so long, come to know Christ. Thank you so much for your help. God has given us so much through you.”

Just imagine the impact this new family of believers is going to have on their community in Cuba. God is doing amazing things!



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