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GO Team shares gospel at day camp
GO Team shares gospel at day camp

Last month a team made up of 21 youths and young adults travelled to Brazil and worked alongside a local church to host an Ignite event and a day camp where they shared the love of Jesus with hundreds of students.

The event was an amazing success as it brought joy, and hope to the over 350 students, and 50 teachers who attended!

Not only was the camp a blast, noted Jordan Chanin one of the organizers, it was a great evangelistic tool, as each of the attendees had the opportunity to hear the gospel message, and receive their own copy of God’s Word.

“Many lives were impacted, and our team was very grateful for the opportunity to be used by God to share His Good News with great openness in a different cultural context," Jordan said.

The camp was also a totally unique experience for many of the kids who attended. A lot of the kids who came out were from the Brazilian public school system, so the activities offered at the camp were in a lot of cases brand new experiences.

“Brazil’s public school is not the same as Canada’s. Even something like having the three meals provided per day was a big deal to some of the kids,” said Artur Borges, ShareWord Global’s director of ministry in Brazil.

“Lives were being impacted for eternity because of the gospel messages kids heard, but they were also being impacted in the moment. It was such a blast for so many of the kids, and it was great to see them having so much fun.”

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