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Pastor Silver and Bernadette
Hope - Pastor Silver and Bernadette

During the January 2020 Entebbe GO Trip, the Essuubi ('Hope' in Luganda) magazine translation was distributed for the first time! Receiving an Essuubi magazine was revolutionary for Ugandan locals—many only speak and understand the language of Luganda. In just 10 days of ministry, over 11,000 people received a magazine in their heart language! This culturally-modified Scripture material has given thousands of Ugandan locals a new hope in Christ.

 Pastor Silver and his wife Bernadette were overjoyed about the layout and effectiveness of the Hope/Essuubi magazine.

Pastor Silver: “We are very happy about these wonderful Essuubi magazines. They are so impressive. The cover is so good, it is easy to read, and it has very nice pictures. Everyone wants to read it to find out what the pictures are about. And in so doing, some of them find themselves getting saved. We hope for more! I thank God so much that you’ve come to evangelize with us.”

Bernadette: We are so grateful for these magazines. They are simple, they are brief, they are not bulky...this attracts people to read them.” 


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