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Update Text from a Ugandan Pastor
Update Text from a Ugandan Pastor

Is it true that when GO Teams leave, so does a yearning for the Word? No! With the local church partnership model ShareWord Global has begun in Uganda, we are seeing continued growth.

During the January 2020 GO Trip to Entebbe, hundreds of Ugandans were given a copy of the Hope or Essuubi magazine and also directed to a local church. This has allowed the seeds planted to be continuously watered by a body of believers—Godly relationships are formed between people, and their relationship with Christ becomes deeper because of it.Update Text from a Ugandan Pastor


Following the GO Team’s return, SWG staff member, Brad, received texts from pastors seeing the fruit of their labour. These messages affirmed that churches all over the Entebbe region have been equipped with sound Scripture material and are faithfully shepherding new believers.

Four weeks following the trip, one Entebbe Pastor, Masumba Godfrey, reached out to Brad. He had led evangelism training and went out on the streets with a group from their church once more. And three people gave their lives to Christ! “We have brought fire to Entebbe—our center is on fire for evangelism; we are holding baptism classes for all the new converts.

Five weeks after the trip, Godfrey sent another message. “We can see the real moment of God in Entebbe...there is unity among the pastors and revival in every church.


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