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L'amour de Jesus
Membership - L'amour de Jesus

Human beings love to celebrate the idea of love—especially on February 14. For the week of Valentine’s Day this year, a chapter in Quebec held a series of outreach events to celebrate the most precious Love of all. 

On some of the coldest nights of the year, a team of 24 people ignited with a passion for the gospel, set out along the streets of Richelieu, Quebec. Despite thick layers and chilled fingers and toes, the group was eager to share the love of Jesus during the holiday excitement.

The team began with over 300 Gospels of John in French and English, 400 “Love Kits” made up of flowers, treats, and Bible verses, as well as large thermoses full of free hot chocolate! 

These evangelists spoke with person after person. Some of their conversations were with single people blessed by the romantic gesture. Other encounters were with married couples who left with beaming faces and warmed stomachs after sipping the steaming hot chocolate. 

Most importantly, all who came had the chance to hear about a love that surpasses all other earthly love. They were told about God’s love for the world He created, and His deep adoration for each of his precious children. 

Antony Lapointe, Regional Coordinator in Quebec, spoke excitedly about the success of the event. 

When people saw our group from their cars, standing in the cold, with a table of hot chocolate with a big ‘FREE’ banner, they started to come out to see if it was really free. Sure enough, all of them wanted to receive the great gifts we had for them! And let me tell you, the true gift was way more important than a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold night—it was the love of God that came in the darkness to warm their soul!

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