Liberation from Bondage
Liberation from Bondage

A hospital can be an intimidating place to share the gospel. People are sick, doctors are busy, and patients’ emotions are low.

Though it may have been difficult for the Nicaragua GO Team members to muster up the emotional, physical, and spiritual strength to preach at Manolo Morales Hospital, God was with them, guiding their hearts and speech for His will to be done there.

GO Team member, Eddie Martin, reflects on the visit. “We were given complete freedom to witness, evangelize, and pray with so many patients in the wards. It was exhausting! But exciting to be exhausted [for Christ.]

The Manolo Morales Hospital is a sizable facility that serves hundreds of people from surrounding cities. Although spacious, the institution struggles to address the constant medical needs of its many patients. “Life and death are very public and raw here, indeed,” remarks Rhonda Bourne, another GO Team member.

Team leader, Artur, had an experience with a patient named Logan that put the physical and spiritual poverty of the hospital in perspective. A convicted criminal, Logan lay chained to his cot. He was suffering from a very dangerous combination of HIV and Dengue Fever; a brief conversation with a nurse confirmed Logan was shackled to his deathbed. Artur commented, “Logan’s body was very weak and the prison's conditions were not giving him hope that he would survive this last infirmity.

Artur had no choice than to trust in the provision of Christ—only the Word of God could bring comfort to this dying man. Artur read passage after passage, reiterating that only the Lord brings true deliverance.

Logan slowly opened his mouth to speak. “I am now a born-again believer.” Artur’s hand immediately met Logan’s, and they prayed together. And as he let go of the man’s chained wrist, Artur knew the Lord had already freed Logan from the shackles which confined his broken spirit. He was now ready to be released. Artur and the team are confident that they will meet a liberated Logan in heaven one day.

Speaking about your faith can be scary, and you may feel inadequate to evangelize in a place like Manolo Morales Hospital. Yet God calls every one of his children to boldly proclaim His love—everywhere. Pray about it; He will give you courage. Christ may be challenging you to step forward and join a GO Team—to be a light in a dark place, and help release people from the bondage of life without Jesus.

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