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Igniting a Nation
Igniting a Nation

It started with an idea. Ten Ignite events in a single month. It was ambitious, considering we only had two months to organize it. But we wanted to celebrate ShareWord Global’s inaugural Ignite event in Yellowknife by hosting events in different provinces and then for those that could, joining together online to celebrate with the people in Yellowknife.

It was a simple, but ambitious idea. And it turned into Ignite Canada.

It took all hands on deck to make this campaign a reality. Not only did the team come together quickly to ensure it could happen, but God did something incredible across Canada. 

As we began presenting this idea to chapters and churches, the calendar began filling up. Before we realized what God was doing, the events began booking into the entire month of April, June, and beyond. What began as a small way to encourage the church in evangelism turned into so much more! 

We had members, non-members, young and old, church partners, and brand-new church prospects all joining at these events. People were excited about how easy and practical the training was, and attendees wanted their own church to experience the same training.

Our original goal of 10 Ignite events turned into:

  • 19 Ignite events
  • 672 people trained
  • 30+ pastors involved
  • over 70 churches partnering with us
  • and an average of 35 people at each event

In a single month. In Canada.

We often hear about the ministry sharing the gospel around the world, yet sometimes we forget about the unreached peoples in our own backyard. The people we see every day around us, on our way to work, at our children’s events, maybe even in our home.

Andrew Warren attended one of the Ignite Canada events and shared his experience with us. "On Easter weekend, I attended my first-ever Ignite training session. It was very straightforward and inspirational. I met some fellow Christians who were as passionate about sharing the gospel as I am. I started using the Grid Model of evangelism the same evening at a birthday party for my friend's daughter. I'm now eager to learn how to become a facilitator for future Ignite events."

The events in this one month alone has helped people like Andrew realize the power of sharing their personal story. That there are no coincidences, but opportunities from God to be used. It’s helped them be intentional about sharing the gospel and to step out with boldness! We have all been given the Great Commission, and these events help believers come out of their comfort zone.

“It’s easier than I thought,” one participant shared at the end of their event. “Jesus can be introduced just like a best friend.” Because, friends, He is. You don’t need to know the entire Bible, or all the theology that goes along with it. You just need to know Jesus as your best friend, as your Saviour.

Ignite Canada began as a way to celebrate with Yellowknife, which we were able to do. But looking back at the way everything came together, I’m in awe of what God has done. The courage He gave believers to register for the events, to step out of their comfort zone was incredible. God is moving in Canada. 

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