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Sidney and Judy: UK Members Serving in Uganda
Sidney and Judy: UK Members Serving in Uganda

Judy: "This trip has been such a blessing. I am so thrilled that Sidney and I had the chance to work with ShareWord Global.

They do it very differently from the mission groups we’ve been with before. They have such wonderful tools like the Hope magazine. The fact that it’s been contextualized for Uganda is so appropriate. The locals just love it. To leave God’s Word with people and tell people how much Jesus loves them has been a real blessing for us. We keep praying for all the people who’ve heard about Jesus here in Uganda, we hope that they won’t stop now! Mukama Yebazibwe, Amina! (Praise the Lord, amen!)”

Sidney: "This is my 19th visit to Uganda. I didn’t expect to come, but this wonderful opportunity opened up and I’m so grateful to the Lord that it did. I have been able to work with a wonderful team with great leadership. We were more united than any other team I’ve ever worked with. The magazine we distributed this week has been beautifully constructed in two languages for Uganda, called Hope and Essuubi. It has been so wonderful in its different parts: the Psalms with lovely photos, then the entire gospel of John. At the back, there is an outline for commitment to Jesus. We tell people they can use that page to help others into his Kingdom. All glory to Him for what ShareWord Global is doing!

Partnership - Judy and Sidney Miller (UK members)

One really wonderful moment was a conversation I had with a young man. He looked uninterested at first, but as I spoke he was drawn into the conversation! He was listening hard. We got to the point when he could choose to say a prayer of commitment to Christ…and he wanted to pray! The best part, I saved for last. I had asked him… “What is your name? ” He said, “My name is Gideon! "

 —Judy and Sidney (Paraphrased)

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