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Canada faces different challenges from many of the other countries we do ministry in. Resources are plentiful. Most people have heard the name Jesus, and for the vast majority, life is comfortable.


This has led many to feel like they don’t need Jesus, breeding a culture of spiritual apathy.

What’s worse, according to a recent report*, more than half of millennial Christians feel it is wrong to share their faith. This is true despite nearly all believers agreeing that Jesus is the best part of their life.

But there is hope. That same report found over 70% of people became eager to share their faith after engaging in just one evangelistic conversation.

By joining us for a GO Trip to Canada, you will walk alongside the local church, changing the tide of hesitation and apathy, and mobilizing believers with the skills and resources they need to take a first step in their journey towards a lifestyle of evangelism.

You will experience a wide range of cultures within a single country. In the coming years, it’s expected that 46% of the population will consist of immigrants and refugees. The nations are coming right to our doorstep and God is providing opportunities for us to share His gospel message with the world.

are you ready to GO?

Apply Now


Quick Facts


+ - Weather

Canada is the second largest nation on earth, and its climate reflects that. The coasts have more temperate climates, while the centre of the nation gets colder from November-March.

+ - Popular Foods

Poutine (Fries with cheese curds and gravy) is our national dish. Canada has everything to offer. It is home to plenty of immigrants who have brought their foods and flavours to the county.

+ - Religious Demographics

Catholic (29%), Protestant/Evangelical (27.4%), not affiliated (34.6%).

+ - Social Demographics

Compared to most parts of the world, Canada is a fairly wealthy nation from coast to coast.

+ - Languages Spoken

English (Parts of Canada are primarily French speaking but you will be able to communicate in English everywhere.)

All Upcoming GO Trips

Brazil - Bahia Islands

November 14 - 24, 2025

Malawi GO Trip

May 1 - 13, 2025

Zambia GO Trip

October 17 - 29, 2024

Mozambique GO Trip

June 12 - 24, 2025

Peru GO Trip

September 12 - 22, 2025

Brazil - Day Camps

May 23 - June 3, 2025





There are no GO Trips planned for this region at this time.







Apply for a GO Trip


You don’t have to go far to find people in need of the Good News. And your church is perfectly positioned to reach your neighbourhood! Have a G​rid & Go​ event hosted at your church to train and equip people (yourself included) for evangelism—and take a GO Trip to use what you learned, all in the same day.


While evangelism looks different on digital platforms, it’s incredibly personal and effective. Your one-on-one connections are always the best gateway for introducing people to Jesus.

In addition to training for our members, we occasionally host live sessions where we learn and apply these tools on an online GO Trip! We’ll update this section when there’s an online trip coming up.

Apply for a Virtual GO Trip

Want to learn more about Canadian GO Trips?

Send Us a Message


are you ready to GO?

Apply Now

Contact Us

Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


Full Contact Information



CRA Charitable Registration # 108082991 RR0001

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities