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Peru 2023

Peru GO Trip

October 27 – November 5, 2023


Believers Mobilized: 138
Gospel Presentations: 1,202
Scriptures Shared: 6,120

It can be difficult for many non-Christians to believe that they’re good enough for God. This was true for two women a team of GO Trip participants met in Peru.

They were sitting on a park bench when the evangelists approached them. After some talking, the women shared that they believed they needed to be good to get into heaven. With tears coming down her face, one of the women said she had recently suffered a stroke and had been praying. But she knew she needed more. With some words of encouragement, the team prayed with her as she accepted Jesus as her Saviour.

With GO Trips, the good work doesn’t stop when the trip ends. Often, the trip creates an evangelistic spark in people’s hearts, and they return home ready to share the gospel. That was the case for Max, who shared: “Thank you all for sharing this life-changing experience. I had the same driver bringing me home as had taken me to the airport. I had previously told him that I was going on a Christian mission but hadn’t taken it any further than that.

“Last night, I was emboldened to ask him where he stood, and like many in our society, it seems that he had received zero Christian teaching. But I was able to share quite a lot about the gospel, and he listened with interest. Hopefully we covered enough to get him thinking, and he was happy to receive a Testament.”


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CRA Charitable Registration # 108082991 RR0001

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities
