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Impact Stories

Every day, God is transforming people’s hearts and calling them to Himself through His Word

God has been working through His servants in locations like Nicaragua, Uganda, Peru, Kenya, and Ukraine. Lives are being transformed in the name of Jesus. The following stories beautifully demonstrate how the Spirit is miraculously moving in our home country and around the world. 


Hope in a cemetery

Karin sat in a cemetery on warm Sunday afternoon in Santiago Chile.  Filled with despair, she sat thinking about her life. She wondered why her business was failing—why feelings of depression felt like they were filling her entire body. She felt worthless. And as she sat there, thinking about ...

Wrestling no more

For as long as Joshua could remember, wrestling had been a big part of his life.  It was always something he excelled at, and it had opened a lot of doors for him at school. And as an amateur wrestler it had made up his identity for his young adult life.  But lately he had been wrestling ...

A Prodigal son returns

Ranbir* was born to a Christian family in South Asia, his father being the local pastor. As the youngest of four children, however, he was often doted on and was free to live a rebellious life. After earning money of his own, Ranbir left for college where he picked up more bad habits. Years later h ...

Cultural barriers fall in Malawi

As Bishop Steverio Sayda prepared his team for an outreach event in Kauma, a vibrant community 37 km outside Malawi’s capital, he didn’t know what to expect. Outreach events had become second nature to Steverio and his team, but Kauma was different. Populated by the Yao people, a community which ...

Hope brings healing

Romualda was in a Santiago hospital receiving medical treatment. Her long-term diagnosis made her depressed and she constantly felt unwell. When an outreach group from a local church came to visit, she agreed to speak with them. The team had been trained in conversational evangelism through ShareWo ...

The Gospel Gains Traction in Uganda

Wandago is a community known for one thing—Gin.  For the majority of the residents in this community in Uganda, their livelihood is completely dependent on distilling and selling Waragi, an alcoholic beverage that is a homemade version of the famous spirit.  The production of this locall ...

GO Team shares gospel at day camp

Last month a team made up of 21 youths and young adults travelled to Brazil and worked alongside a local church to host an Ignite event and a day camp where they shared the love of Jesus with hundreds of students. The event was an amazing success as it brought joy, and hope to the over 350 students ...

Strangers become sisters

Elissa sat by herself for a moment on a dirt-covered alley behind a church in Mozambique. Her Gospel Outreach (GO) Team had just finished their final outreach event, and she still had two Hope magazines left in her backpack. She contemplated what to do with them, and decided to spend some time in p ...

20,000 worship in Toronto!

This June, the Eighth Annual Christian Music Festival brought the gospel, and a day packed with worship, to downtown Toronto. “It was amazing to watch the crowd worship the Lord, and to be able to go up on stage and share a couple stories of impact,” said Jeff Cornfoot, Regional Manager of Ontario ...

Warming the Hearts of the North

As Tony Froese landed in Arviat, Nunavut, a wave of Arctic wind greeted him, marking the beginning of an unforgettable journey. Raised in Manitoba, Tony knew the challenges of sharing the gospel in tight-knit communities. But when his experience as a Regional Manager at ShareWord Global brough ...

Sowing Seeds

What big dream has God placed on your heart? For Abigail, the eldest child in a family of six from Nicaragua, the dream is to attend post-secondary and study agricultural engineering. “I want to learn more,” Abigail shared, “more about the land, the fields, and sowing, to help everyone in my commun ...

Bringing the Lost Home

What does it feel like to be judged? To want to change, but have a wall put up by the fear of judgment? It’s the feeling Elizabeth had when Pastor Raymond shared the gospel with her. There was no way she would be accepted. She had such a rough background, growing up in Siaya, no one would want ...

A Radiant Hope

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the South Asian landscape, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Dawn brought with it a crowd of believers gathered in a modest church, seeking strength and comfort in the pastor’s sermon. Their expectant faces mirrored the hope that ...

A Helping Hand

Have you ever felt a hole inside of you? An emptiness you couldn’t understand, and you didn’t know how to fill it? For some, it can turn into a bit of a black hole, and it can consume the entirety of that person. For others, they’re desperate for ways to fill it. Many fill it with destructive things ...

More Than a Nightstand Drawer

When I hear people describe who ShareWord Global is, it typically starts by talking about Bibles in hotel rooms. It’s our legacy. And the concept of leaving a Bible in a hotel nightstand and never knowing whether anyone read it, if they even noticed it, has been what was done for over 100 years. Bu ...

Our Home and Native Land

It’s no secret that the Church has historically had a difficult relationship with Indigenous communities. Every day we’re learning more and more about what families have gone through, and still go through now. Repairing a relationship takes time. Earning trust takes time. It also takes love. And for ...

Pushing the Boundaries

Sharing the gospel in North America has its own unique set of difficulties. Many people are resistant to hearing the gospel, and many believers feel uncomfortable with the idea of talking about their faith. They don’t want to offend anyone, and they’d rather keep to themselves. But 19 believers from ...

Sharing the Light of Christ

Pastor Lalit* leads a church in South Asia. When he heard about ShareWord Global he jumped at the opportunity to host an Ignite evangelism training event. He knew the power of the gospel and knew that the members of the church needed training to share it. It was at this event that he and his church ...

Sparking a Gospel Bonfire

Pedro's eyes widened in amazement as he found himself immersed in an enchanting world. An ordinary classroom in New Philadelphia, deep in Brazil's Amazon region, had been transformed into a stage for a lively and colourful puppet show. The character known as the "Thief of Joy" was wreaking havoc on ...


Gospel Impact Conference.  They seem like simple words, but they hold such deep meaning. If you’ll allow the repetition, they hold an impactful meaning.  This year’s conference with ShareWord Global was the first I’ve attended. Being part of the meeting where the theme ‘Here I Am’ came t ...

Faith & Transformation in Malawi

Jefta's life took an unexpected 180-degree turn one day last April, thanks to an outreach event a local church in Malawi organized. Their leader, Bishop Mike, ran into Jefta as the church headed out into the community to share the gospel. Struggling to find work, life for Jefta, his wife, and their ...

Whom Shall I Fear?

We’re all afraid sometimes. As children, maybe we were afraid of the dark. Afraid of getting lost. Afraid of the monster under the bed. Maybe you still get that tingle at the back of your neck when you think someone is watching you from the shadows of your closet. Some children have deeper, darker ...

Igniting a Nation

It started with an idea. Ten Ignite events in a single month. It was ambitious, considering we only had two months to organize it. But we wanted to celebrate ShareWord Global’s inaugural Ignite event in Yellowknife by hosting events in different provinces and then for those that could, joining toget ...

Beauty of the Gospel

We’ve all been there. You show up on time for your appointment, only to find out that they’re running behind. You’re asked to take a seat and wait…and wait. As time passes, boredom starts to creep in. You look around the room, feeling more and more restless by the minute. Thankfully, there are som ...

A Family Turns to Jesus

The gospel changes everything and it’s changing lives all over the world. Recently, in Cuba, our team was training believers at a local church to effectively share the gospel. That’s when they met Maria. Her family had been going through a hard time. Her six-year-old nephew had been diagnosed wit ...

Washing their Feet

There are some words you can never unhear: Cancer. Terminal. Paralyzed. The treatment isn’t working. We did all we could. It’s one thing to be on the receiving end of these words. It’s another to be the one sitting beside the recipient, trying to digest. Trying to listen and take notes. Trying ...

Seizing the Moment

Most of us have experienced it. A call, a letter, or a text that turns your entire world upside down.  For Ana Maria, that moment came when she lost her beloved father, Daniel, to COVID-19 in 2020. She was very attached to her papi. He was her pillar of strength and voice of reason.&nbs ...

Seeing Beyond the Darkness

Did your parents impose a curfew on you as a teenager? In some remote areas of Chile’s world renowned mountain range, the “Andes,” an unofficial curfew still exists, imposed on all persons regardless of age. Why?  Because anyone entering or leaving these remote indigenous territories after d ...

Nation Changers

If you pulled out a map right now, it’s likely you won’t be able to find it. Mukuru is often overlooked. It is one of the largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya, but it’s not the largest. Because of this there are barely any government initiatives in place to help the 100,000 residents. The Red ...

From Archives to Action

If you’re anything like me, when you start driving, you turn on the GPS. You have it muted because you don’t actually need it, but it’s nice to have. But then somewhere along the way you see the dreaded sign. ROAD CLOSED. Frantically, you look at the GPS to find a better route. Your heart races at t ...

The Light of the North

Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world. We live in a nation with one of the highest rates of immigration. Our diversity is evident in our people, landscapes, and cultural backgrounds. As a born and raised Canadian, I’m proud of our country. I’m proud of the stereotypes that we’re ...

Monumental Decision

A cause worth living for, and a cause worth dying for. It’s a declaration many believers make as they profess their faith in Jesus Christ. With no consequences, the statement is easy to make. Following Jesus is easy. Professing your faith as a Christian is just another topic of daily conversation. ...

A Spirit-Led Heart

Nihad was passionate about Zambia. The Egyptian-born pastor currently leads a church in Brandon, Manitoba, so it may seem odd that this African nation was placed on his heart, but it’s clear it had been put there by God. For the last year-and-a-half, Nihad and some of his pastor friends would get ...

A Beautiful Repair

In Japanese culture there is an art form known as kintsugi. When a delicate dish or cup is broken, instead of discarding the fragments, the pieces are picked up. These pieces are then welded together again with gold. The dish is whole again. It can function again, but the scars from its damage are ...

Reaching Edmonton

After the training portion of the Ignite Evangelism Event in Edmonton, we split up into outreach teams to share the gospel. We were eager to practice what we’d learned, especially because there is a great amount of need in this city. Crime rates and homelessness are rapidly rising, and people need t ...

Speaking Up in Chile

Our GO team in Chile hopped on the bus for a one-hour ride to a local elementary school. We had the opportunity to teach the students how to evangelize and equip them with Chispa magazines. Our goal was to demonstrate how to be true ambassadors of the Good News of Jesus Christ. It was an absolute pl ...

Alara’s Copy

Alara is a 15-year-old Muslim girl from the Middle East. Because of exceptionally difficult circumstances in her country of origin, Alara’s family was forced to flee to another country as refugees.  As a result of complications with immigration bureaucracy, Alara and her family have been separ ...

Milas’ Gardens and the Growing Church in Brazil

​​For the first time ever, a team of Brazilians lead a GO Trip in their own country! A group of 28 missionaries were trained and sent out to the islands of Camamu Bay. And the stories coming out of this week-long trip demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit working through his servants in Brazil. I ...

On the Boda Boda

Two of our volunteers, Baker and Richard, who serve in the Northeastern region of Uganda, were invited to participate in an Ignite event happening in Kitale, Kenya. Under the leadership of our Kenyan Country Manager, Patrick, this event was meant to kick-start the ministry in Kitale for future evang ...

Turning the Page to Christ

Urania and Brenda received a copy of the Esperanza magazine from a group of evangelists who stopped by their little clothing shop in Nicaragua.   At first, the sisters seemed confused—Urania especially. It had been years since she had gone to church. And the last time she had stepped ...

Sharing the Gospel on Fisherman's Island  

Most of the residents living on the islands in Eastern Brazil have never heard about Jesus—visiting their town meant proclaiming the gospel to an unreached people group. You see, the islands are made up of small fishing communities, and the people live very slow-paced lives. What a unique opportunit ...

Important in God’s Eyes

Volunteer evangelists at Generation of Faith Church in Chile had a glorious time sharing the gospel using the Esperanza magazine at the clinical hospital in Santiago.   This was a very emotional time for the team. After two years of lockdowns, the volunteers were given the green light to ...

Ishaan Finds a New and True God

Last week, our country manager in South Asia visited a hunting community to train and share Scripture. He met a partner pastor, who told him his astonishing testimony. Ishaan’s* tribe hunts to survive. They gather their livelihood from the forests, so they are used to worshipping nature—idols their ...

‘Oh, Finally!’ 

In winter 2021, some of our staff members attended a ministry event in Nova Scotia. After a long day of discussing new strategies and evangelism tools, the group left with renewed spirits...and rumbling stomachs. So, they headed to dinner at a local oceanside restaurant. The service was fantastic, a ...

Ignite Event Brings Unity to the Los Ríos Region and Beyond

In the Los Ríos region of Chile, 27 pastors were trained at an Ignite event. The attendees were excited to learn, and new regions were open for Grid events to continue to welcome local churches. The pastors were so happy to receive the Scripture materials. And with these materials, they were taugh ...

Ilmeus and Lovena: Two Young Evangelists

For decades, the prominent religion in the country of Haiti has been Voodooism. Today, we are partnering with ministries to share the gospel in this nation widely. The Holy Spirit is more powerful than any evil spiritual force, and we can see His power stirring the hearts of thousands of new believe ...

Unafraid of the Dark

While I was visiting South Asia, our regional manager, Richard*, shared a story about a time when he was called to minister in a dangerous village. While they were on their way to the training event, Richard's phone rang. It was the receiving church pastor, informing him that some of the local peop ...

Changing in God’s Framework

In 1911, The Gideons was founded in Canada. And exactly 110 years later, a name change has occurred. For some of the members who have been involved with the ministry for decades, this transition has come with both excitement and hesitation. Jeanette, an elderly woman from Medicine Hat, Alberta, beca ...

Misguided Missions: How it Happened with the Maasai

The Maasai are an indigenous group in Africa that has settled in northern Tanzania and Kenya. They are known internationally due to their distinctive traditions, customs, dress, and residence near many of the infamous safari parks of East Africa.   Patrick, our partner representative in K ...

The Audio Bible Barber

34-year-old Rasel has worked as a barber in the Middle East for the last nine years. This provides income for his family, but the problem is, his loved ones live thousands of kilometers away.  Back at home, Rasel and his wife have three children—one daughter and two sons. He is also the sole p ...

Spiritual Fire in Chile  

Rodrigo, the president of the Firemen Chaplaincy of Chile, contacted our representative in Latin America late last year. He humbly requested Bible resources and magazines to evangelize to the community of firemen in Chile.    Months later, we signed an agreement to work together to b ...

Never Outrun

Pete frequently travels significant distances throughout Western Canada. Occasionally, he stops to pick up travellers to help pass the time. He finds this creates opportunities to share the gospel.  One day, as Pete was driving along the highway, he suddenly felt an urge to check if he had Scr ...

Preparing to Lament: Dave and Jacinda

Dave: At 40 years of age, I finally did it. I went on a mission trip. I say “finally” because I’d learned something about myself 16 years ago, during our honeymoon. I’d discovered that I do not enjoy travelling!  I didn’t enjoy the foreign land, the foreign language, the foreign food, the fore ...

After God Stepped In

Our outreach group stood outside a homeless shelter, 15 degrees below zero. Bundled up in thermal layers and masks covering our faces, we shared the gospel with the folks dropping-in. We prayed with many people and gifted them with Scriptures.  After about a half-hour of evangel ...

Salvation on the Kenyan Streets

The 35 pastors in Nairobi who attended our evangelism training session over Zoom were encouraged to go out with their churches and share the gospel along the streets. Equipped with Bibles and Hope magazines, they were ready to put into practice what they had learned, preaching the Good News in their ...

The Redemption Bible: An Inmate’s Reflection 

John Paul is a site-based chaplain at a penitentiary center in Dorchester, New Brunswick. Chaplains are always looking for material that inmates find helpful for their spiritual growth. He has used both the Redemption Bible and magazine for ministry purposes and was recently approached by an inmate ...

Last Chance

Mila is a member who works at a hospital in Calgary. No matter where she is, Nurse Mila tries to be equipped for evangelism with a copy of Scripture close by.  One day, Mila felt a strong urge to share the love of Christ with one of her patients—a woman in critical condition. She tried to supp ...

Nothing Happier

19-year old Flora, shares a powerful testimony of how your gifts are making their way to shine a light in the darkest places. The gospel changes everything, and that’s what Flora is experiencing thanks to you. “I am the witness of the black days of my people during COVID-19. Although we become used ...

From Sorcerer to Spiritual Counsellor

In many parts of South Asia, witchcraft has been passed down through generations. For years, young Rowen grew up watching his mother perform spells and magic in their village. His mother’s example led Rowen to become a powerful shaman in his adult years. His fame grew and people began paying him to ...

Biking the Grid

Rain, snow, or shine, Ross hops on his bicycle to see where God will lead him to evangelize. He has found an effective way to reach the people on his grid—strolling along local bike paths with Scriptures tied to the front and sides of his bicycle. During his travels, Ross often shares the gospel wit ...


For all his young life, Max was impressed with the idea that good works granted salvation.  After receiving a little New Testament in elementary school, Max took to reading the Scripture regularly. But it wasn’t until after he had graduated high school that he formed a true relationship with J ...

Rest in Hope

It had only been a few days since Pastor Jairo had arranged for a team to bring Scripture magazines into the local hospital and pray with the patients.  As he made his way down the hallway where the group had ministered earlier that week, Jairo stopped suddenly. A nurse was wheeling a gurney i ...

Network Connecting: Zoom Evangelism

“The Lord’s delight is in those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love.” (Psalm 147:11) Many Christians have read this verse and come to realize that “putting our hope in God” is no passive thing. It means directing others who have no hope to His unfailing love.  GO Team ...


It’s become clear that this pandemic isn’t just a phase. While we’ve been able to visit here and there in small groups and go about socially-distanced routines, people are still suffering. That suffering takes many forms, like poverty, loneliness, mental illness, and of course physical illness.  ...

Cross Exchange

Chad walked along a dusty road littered with garbage. He stopped at a dead end, where an animated group of children were kicking around a football. They caught him staring, and Chad took the opportunity to call the kids to his side. “Hey! I have something for you!”  The kids came running and ...

Renewed in the River

A chapter meeting should be a safe space. It’s a time to share what God is doing, to pray and plan for the future, to celebrate, and to strengthen one another. That’s why we do all we can to create a welcoming atmosphere for people participating for the first time—you never know who might need it. ...

Feathers and Faithfulness

Denise adores her chicken farm, and more importantly, she loves Jesus. This Godly woman has found a way to put these two passions together—using baby chickens to share the gospel. Denise has long been invested in the chicken business. But this year, when customers came to pick up their new fuzzy li ...

Zakhar’s New Worldview

 16-year-old Zakhar lives in a small village in the Zaporozhye region of Ukraine, where his grandmother is raising him on her own.  About a year ago, Zakhar began to attend the local church. Dealing with behavioural issues associated with developmental delays from his childhood, Zakhar wa ...

Spiritual Food

In Uganda, if you’re going to be hungry at 1 pm, you ask to eat around 11 am. Expect a couple of hours—it’s a basic rule of thumb for any East African event. This is just one of the customs you pick up on as a western 'mzungu.'  I have spent many months living in Uganda, but it wasn’t until Ja ...

Calgary Stampede Outreach

You can find people waiting to hear good news in any crowd—but in a gathering of thousands, opportunities to share the gospel come in droves. Andrew, Regional Manager in Alberta and Saskatchewan, has taken to heart the mission to reach the masses. With the assistance of a local pastor, Andrew launch ...

The Little Gospel House

Last month, my husband and I put together a little “Gospel House” outside our home. First, we set up a house-shaped box at the end of our driveway. Then we arranged Scripture resources on the main shelf and filled the shelf above with various non-perishable food items—all free for anyone who passes ...

Judy and Sid: UK Members Serving in Uganda

Judy: "This trip has been such a blessing. I am so thrilled that Sidney and I had the chance to work with ShareWord Global. They do it very differently from the mission groups we’ve been with before. They have such wonderful tools like the Hope magazine. The fact that it’s been contextualized for U ...

David's Special Delivery

“It's an unusual time, so I did something unusual in the village.” These were the words of David Olive, a humble gentleman from a small village in southern New Brunswick. Although his evangelism actions may have seemed a bit unusual, the Easter weekend activities of Mr. Olive left a resonating impa ...

Eternally Healed

Alexei lives in a small village in Russia. He is partially paralyzed due to a stroke and struggles to move freely around his home. After the stroke, Alexei did not receive any support from his family and felt extremely neglected by his loved ones. This pain turned into bitterness towards everyone in ...

Domestic Evangelism: Addressing the Misconception

Humans naturally gravitate towards others with shared experiences and mutual connections. We feel most comfortable in conversations with people who live in the same geographical area, have similar backgrounds, enjoy the same foods, watch the same sports, listen to the same genre of music, agree on p ...

One Night at Camp

I, Alexandra, emigrated from Russia to Canada in 1998. At the time, my family was a single-income home. Because we were in a low-income bracket, someone recommended the Scott Mission Christian Camp, an overnight camp for kids whose families couldn’t afford to send their children otherwise. We eagerl ...

Suiting Up to Share the Gospel

Compared with other developing countries, Peru is a relatively safe country for travellers, with few internal threats. Still, members on the GO Trip this fall were instructed to prepare by dressing in battle attire. On the morning of September 24, GO Trip Participant Les, issued the challenge to th ...

Unending Revival

Is it true that when GO Teams leave, so does a yearning for the Word? No! With the local church partnership model ShareWord Global has begun in Uganda, we are seeing continued growth. During the January 2020 GO Trip to Entebbe, hundreds of Ugandans were given a copy of the Hope or Essuubi magazine ...

Men of God

An energetic high school teacher by profession and first-time street evangelist, Scott brought a profound perspective on the dynamics of the Entebbe GO Trip. “Our team had a real mix of young people, older people, and middle-aged people. We had someone who was 78 years old, and then we also had a 2 ...

'Yesu Kwagala'

Angela, although originally timid about her ability to evangelize, shares a courageous experience where she confidently leads a young man to Christ! “My name is Angela; I’m 21 years old. I had the chance to experience a ShareWord Global Outreach trip to Entebbe, Uganda. I came on this trip not know ...

Liberation from Bondage

A hospital can be an intimidating place to share the gospel. People are sick, doctors are busy, and patients’ emotions are low. Though it may have been difficult for the Nicaragua GO Team members to muster up the emotional, physical, and spiritual strength to preach at Manolo Morales Hospital, God ...

When Harold Met Hector

Harold, a middle-aged Go Trip participant from Sweden, was walking along the streets of Santigo, Chile—a heavy stack of colourful Esperanza magazines tucked inside his leather briefcase. As he approached the city shoreline, he spotted a man sitting on a bench. He sat down and humbly introduced ...

A New Beginning for Evgenia

Whether you are able to recall the day you were baptized, an infant held in your mother's arms, or maybe you are currently exploring the idea—when a child of Christ is brought into the family, it's completely transformational. Baptism is the moment God reaches down and marks someone as His own. It i ...

Finding Strength in Him

“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength…they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) The village landscape took my breath away. Ugandan hillsides are glorious, but keep you panting as you walk up their winding slopes. I tried to ignore my aching ca ...

One Magazine, Two Souls

Dr. Rios, the head doctor at our local hospital here in Lima, takes his job very seriously. In the protection of his patients, he has been very strict about following COVID protocols. He has finally allowed me to safely give the staff and patients an Esperanza magazine. Though he's is not yet a ...

Christ Revealed to Adolfo

God is our only true comfort, the place we confide when all else seems hopeless. This is how one Peruvian man discovered contentment in Christ after suffering months of physical, mental and spiritual turmoil.   Juan Carlos approached Adolfo, who was lying in a lonely hospital bed. He handed t ...

Jesus Loves Me; This I Know

After a long afternoon of sharing Essuubi (Hope) magazines in the heart of Entebbe with a local church, I noticed an unfamiliar little girl trailing behind the children in our group. She looked to be about two years old, though I suspected her small stature was due to malnutrition and guessed her ag ...

Forever Friends

Deborah and the other GO Team members cautiously wandered through a district of Nicaragua that’s primarily known for dump-diving, unsure why God had called them to witness in this uncomfortable setting. The people who reside in this hilly region live far below the national poverty line, making mere ...

Saving Souls in Jesus Name

Jesus Manuel is a local shoe cobbler in the city of Leon, Nicaragua. This is the story of how GO Team Member, Deb, helped this man come to know Christ and the miraculous Kingdom growth which is already happening because of it.   As I walked past a little work stool on the crowded streets of L ...

Miracle in the Marketplace

Ricky, a lonely Chilean man, sat still amongst the bustle of a busy shopping plaza. Hundreds of people passed by, yet he remained disengaged from the rush of the marketplace. A young female approached; she handed Ricky an Esperanza magazine. The woman smiled, “I have this gift for you.” As Ricky cu ...

A Heart for Ukrainian Children

Although Christmas is a joyful season, many of us dread the hecticness of purchasing, organizing, and wrapping gifts. We often end up buying dozens of presents: new toys for children, fancy chocolates for co-workers, gift cards for relatives and friends…some of us may have even bought a new chew-toy ...

Out of the North

“Out of the north comes golden splendour; around God is awesome majesty.” (Job 37:22) This past February, my friend Ron and I set out on an evangelism trip to the Northwest Territories. We loaded our truck with 70 boxes of Bibles and Scripture magazines—half to be distributed and the other half to ...

The Hitchhiker

It was nighttime; cold and murky. The arctic autumn mist made it difficult to see even five metres ahead. Long-standing Gideon Member, Alex Bergen, had no intention of making an impromptu detour on the way home from an evangelism trip to Northern British Colombia. Although his mind and spirit were o ...

Natasha's Gratitude Letter

I would like to sincerely thank you for your work and mission to make Scripture resources available to people! Through the Holy Spirit, one of your little red New Testaments found its way into my hands. I cried out to God in a time of distress, asking if He was real and to make Himself known to me. ...

Maxwel: Youngest Pastor in Nicaragua

Just a few blocks from a local school in Managua, Nicaragua, stood a tiny house with no windows and a little porch out front. A young woman emerged with a baby straddled on her hip. She eagerly invited us inside the home and we humbly agreed, each finding an open space to sit in the small, dark livi ...

Little Ears Hear a Big Message

GO Trip leader, Les, towered above a boisterous crowd of Peruvian elementary school children lined up for their morning classes. His obvious foreignness intrigued the children. As he quietly watched them interact, Les’ heart beat with excitement as he recalled the days he used to dart playfully arou ...

Precious in His Sight

Summer vacation is a joy for Ukrainian children! Their leisure becomes very diverse: outdoor games, hiking by the river, basking in the sun, trips with their parents to the sea and, of course… day camp! Through our partnership with Mission Eurasia, young evangelists travel from village to village, ...

Destiny's Note

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)  So it's clear that Jesus calls young people to Himself. He isn't a God who waits to take notice of someone until they reach a certain age—Christ l ...

The Voice of Comfort

Dan Borody was nervous to be evangelizing at the new Catholic elementary school in Sarnia, Ontario. Equipped with 50 Scriptures for the children, Dan humbly expected Christ to speak through him and was confident in his ability to teach kids about the importance of regularly reading God’s Word. But ...

Faith Like a Child

Abigail is a spunky eight-year-old whose eyes sparkle with passion for Jesus. So in love with Christ and His Word, she reached out to SWG to share why she loves her Bible so much, and thank those who supply Scriptures for kids who don’t know Jesus. Excitedly, Abi explained how she strives to evang ...

How Rod Met God

My life has been a wild ride. It’s a long story—61 years to be exact! But it all began with my loving mother. Everything my mom taught me as a child makes sense now. I received my first Bible back in elementary school, but I was too focused on other things to read it. Even from six years old, I wa ...

L'amour de Jesus

Human beings love to celebrate the idea of love—especially on February 14. For the week of Valentine’s Day this year, a chapter in Quebec held a series of outreach events to celebrate the most precious Love of all.  On some of the coldest nights of the year, a team of 24 people ignited with a ...

Sisters in Christ

For members in the Sherbrooke-L'Estrie area of Quebec, the 2019 summer season wrapped up with a wonderful community BBQ fundraiser. Not only did people generously contribute to sharing God’s Word around the world, but the Lord used the event to welcome two of His daughters into the kingdom. As the ...

An Unexpected Outcome

For the last 7 years, our chapter has been doing a bi-weekly outreach here in Calgary. This time, it was ten of us at the homeless shelter. An hour before we left, I got a word from the Lord to do a teaching on the whiteboard. I asked everyone, “What is the gospel? If you had to tell us the most i ...

Blinded By Sin, Redeemed Through Christ

Konstantin, an active leader with Mission Eurasia in Siberia, has clearly felt the hand of Christ guiding him throughout the tumultuous times in his life. Over 43 years, God has shown up faithfully through every obstacle. Our ShareWord Global story-gathering team had the opportunity to meet with thi ...

Broken Into Redemption

It’s been over 40 years since Stratford chapter member, Art, has used drugs or indulged in alcohol. And for four years, Art has been using the lessons he learned during that period of his life to witness to inmates at the Stratford prison. “For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and br ...

Swing Wide

In July 2019, high ranking officials in Nicaragua reached out to invite ShareWord Global representatives to an exclusive meeting with their presidential secretary. Our team was thrilled, optimistic about receiving permission to evangelize and distribute Scriptures within the country’s schools. But ...

Sparking Passion for Jesus

Ontario members, Brennen and Erin, sent a fantastic report from a kid's camp they hosted at their church last summer. This year, the couple decided to gift each camper with a Spark magazine. And the spiritual impact was even deeper than they could have imagined!   "The Innerkip Presbyterian C ...

Harriet’s Heart for Her People

When we joined Harriet’s church for an afternoon of evangelism, she had been anxiously counting down the days to our arrival. Harriet was delighted about the opportunity to evangelize in her own village. She had heard we were bringing Scripture magazines and was thrilled at the thought of being equ ...

'Essuubi' for Uganda

During the January 2020 Entebbe GO Trip, the Essuubi ('Hope' in Luganda) magazine translation was distributed for the first time! Receiving an Essuubi magazine was revolutionary for Ugandan locals—many only speak and understand the language of Luganda. In just 10 days of ministry, over 11,000 p ...

Chilean Chispa

"We have worked with ShareWord Global here in Chile for more than five years now. We've been able to get to know them and do activities in schools, parks and low-income communities–reaching people with the gospel. They've shown us a different style in which to effectively share God's Word. It's ...

William: Gideon Legacy

At 96, William has been an active Gideon member in Canada for 68 years! Bill has participated in the growth of The Gideons International In Canada and the development of ShareWord Global, and has witnessed the impact of thousands of new believers blessed by the ministry!  Bill recently ex ...

Limitless Love

Even from six feet away, we can be light and hope to a generation lost without Christ. When we tap into the limitless love of God, it becomes contagious. – Dr. Derrick Mueller This time of COVID-19 has given us many opportunities to do ministry differently. It has forced us to be more intentional ...

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